Since I haven't had time to write, thought I'd post an excerpt from an email I sent a bit ago, so you get a little story a long with the pics. After June 14th I'll post more. Smooches!
"I spent most of the morning catching up on my studies, sitting at home, sipping chai, my flatmate across the table doing the same. Triple R played in the background until the talking became distracting. She eventually wandered off to her room with a bag of clay, some paper, and various other things, to work on a creative arts therapy project. I was distracted for a moment by thoughts of playing with paint, sounded much more fun that playing with biostatistics and epidemiology. It was time for a break, so I wandered off outside. At the train station someone shouted across the tracks. "What's the date?" I answered, "the 2nd maybe". He giggled, "you don't know?". "No, I actually don't even know what time it is really, didn't the clocks change over today?" I laughed. I love days like that when time doesn't really matter, although I guess the date did, since I looked around to suddenly see winter coats, and people with odd assortments of clothing, like short-sleeves with scarves and beanies, unsure what to wear maybe. A few stops up the train I found Joe's organic food shop. He's a smiley, one-armed, middle-aged Lebanese man with a thick accent and personality much grander than his stature, and a generous nature to match. He talked of how we are all connected with the earth and each other and said this is why we must respect the earth and love others as ourselves. While I was shopping I watched him give a snack to a child, and some avocados to a regular customer, who said he's pay the next time he was in. I bought a bag of groceries and as I was heading out the door, he added several pieces of fruit. I wondered how he could make any money like that, but it must be true that generousity breeds generosity. Good to see. "